Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Over time and compensatory off

Sub- Over time and compensatory off

1) Over time is what you pay to an employee/workman for working beyond 9 hours per day or 48 hours per week as stipulated under Labour laws like Factories Act or Shops Act or Minimum Wages Act or for working beyond the contracted hours of work under a settlement or contract of service.

Compensatory off is what you permit an employee who works on a weekly off or holiday to take off on any of the following working day as laid down under relevant labour laws and thus no over time is payable when compensatory off is granted.

2) In my opinion, you should pay wages proportionately for the work done for half a day on the principle of equal pay for equal work and also in view of some legal provisionsin acts like the Payment of Wages Act etc. prohibiting unauthorised withholding of wages of employees.

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