Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HR Info: Training and Development (3 of 4)

 Trainees can therefore experience these events, processes, games in a controlled setting where they can develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes or can find out concepts that will improve their performance.

The various methods that come under Games and Simulations are:
Training Design

The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program.

The trainer – Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical, interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers.

The trainees – A good training design requires close scrutiny of the
trainees and their profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the important factors that affect training design.
Training climate – A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings, positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is favorable nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes wrong.

Trainees’ learning style – the learning style, age, experience, educational background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the program.

Training strategies – Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list of about what must be included, what could be included.

Training topics – After formulating a strategy,
trainer decides upon the content to be delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These topics and modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Sequence the contents – Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:
  • From simple to complex
  • Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance
  • From known to unknown
  • From specific to general
  • Dependent relationship
Training tactics – Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:
  • Trainees’ background
  • Time allocated
  • Style preference of trainer
  • Level of competence of trainer
  • Availability of facilities and resources, etc

  • Support facilities – It can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc.
    Constraints – The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are:
·  Time
·  Accommodation, facilities and their availability
·  Furnishings and equipments
·  Budget
·  Design of the training, etc
Training Implementation
To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is called training implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even the best training program will fail due to one wrong action.
Training implementation can be segregated into:
  • Practical administrative arrangements
  • Carrying out of the training
Implementing Training

Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is implemented. Completing training design does not mean that the work is done because implementation phase requires continual adjusting, redesigning, and refining. Preparation is the most important factor to taste the success. Therefore, following are the factors that are kept in mind while implementing training program:
The trainer – The trainer need to be prepared mentally before the delivery of content. Trainer prepares materials and activities well in advance. The trainer also set grounds before meeting with participants by making sure that he is comfortable with course content and is flexible in his approach.

Physical set-up – Good physical set up is pre requisite for effective and successful training program because it makes the first impression on participants. Classrooms should not be very small or big but as nearly square as possible. This will bring people together both physically and psychologically. Also, right amount of space should be allocated to every participant.

Establishing rapport with participants – There are various ways by which a trainer can establish good rapport with trainees by:
  • Greeting participants simple way to ease those initial tense moments
  • Encouraging informal conversation
  • Remembering their first name
  • Pairing up the learners and have them familiarized with one another
  • Listening carefully to trainees’ comments and opinions
  • Telling the learners by what name the trainer wants to be addressed
  • Getting to class before the arrival of learners
  • Starting the class promptly at the scheduled time
  • Using familiar examples
  • Varying his instructional techniques
  • Using the alternate approach if one seems to bog down
Reviewing the agenda – At the beginning of the training program it is very important to review the program objective. The trainer must tell the participants the goal of the program, what is expected out of trainers to do at the end of the program, and how the program will run. The following information needs to be included:
  • Kinds of training activities
  • Schedule
  • Setting group norms
  • Housekeeping arrangements
  • Flow of the program
  • Handling problematic situations

Training Evaluation
The process of examining a training program is called training evaluation. Training evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training evaluation ensures that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective workplaces, or to the regular work routines.

Purposes of Training Evaluation

The five main purposes of training evaluation are:

Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and linking it to learning outcomes.

Research: It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer of knowledge at the work place, and training.

Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly.

Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits. 

Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with the expected outcomes.

Process of Training Evaluation

Before Training: The learner's skills and knowledge are assessed before the training program. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives and learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to give their opinions on the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates preferences and learning style.

During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually consist of short tests at regular intervals
After Training: It is the phase when learner’s skills and knowledge are assessed again to measure the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether training has had the desired effect at individual department and organizational levels. There are various evaluation techniques for this phase.
Techniques of Evaluation
The various methods of training evaluation are:

  • Observation
  • Questionnaire
  • Interview
  • Self diaries
  • Self recording of specific incidents
Role of Organization in Training and Development
An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because it is the first contact for both.

The demand for the training in the organization increases when the organization wants:
  • To hire new people – training as a means of training new recruits
  • To Expand – When the company wants to increase its headcount
  • To increase certain number of staff (in position) by a certain date
  • To enhance the performance of employees
Organization's name to be a part of training unit
Demand for Training also increases when there is change in the nature of job, change in taste of consumer, change in methods of product development, etc. The organization goes through the following steps for

the transfer of training to the field.
But the problem arises when the organization outsource the training process. In this situation the organization assumes that the trainer must be aware of the type of training need s of the participants and their organization and their content will meet those needs. This leads to failure of the program, which results in collusion. Therefore, it's a foremost duty of the organization to make the trainer and their organization aware of their culture, climate, responsibilities of organization, etc.
Trainee – Role Of Trainee in Transfer of Training

The trainee is a major stakeholder in a training program. The whole training program is developed for the trainees only. Each candidate plays an important role in the transfer of training because one participant's attitude regarding the training influence the other participants and also each participant can assist by advancing the learning process to realize the training objectives.
Participant's willingness to invest in the program is directly proportional to the benefits of the learning that the trainee could expect. Each participant forms their own perception towards training. Some perceptions remain the same during the program, while some faded depending upon the assessment of a program by the participant.
Some personal factors that affect the trainee's learning are:
  • Family Situation
  • Personal Problems
  • Relation between the training program and personal objective
  • Level of self esteem
  • Benefits expected from training
  • Comfort level with the trainer
  • Learning style of trainee
  • KSA of trainee
  • Previous training experiences
  • Desire for professional growth and development
Some environmental factors that affect the trainee's learning are
Relationship with colleagues and subordinates
  • Training team
  • Trainer team
  • Training objective
  • Content of training
  • Training design i.e. methods, techniques, and strategies
  • Environment in the program
  • Composition of training group
  • Infrastructure i.e. eating facilities, tea/coffee breaks
No matter how good the training program is, in the end it is the participant only who decides whether to change his behavior or not. Trainees do not change their behavior merely because someone tells them to do. They change when they feel there is a need of it. They do it with their own learning style. The trainer and the organization can only try to remove the mental blocks of the trainee, rest depends on trainee itself.
Importance of Trainer, Role of Trainer
The effective transfer of training depends a lot on the trainer because it is the trainer only who can remove the mental block of trainee, motivate the trainee to learn, delete the negative perception of the trainee regarding the training. Besides all that, a lot depends on personality of trainer also.

The major competencies that are required to be present in a trainer are:
  • Presentation Skills
  • Business Skills i.e. budgeting, time management, negotiation, etc.
  • Content Development i.e. material production, graphics, layouts, etc
Self development i.e. interpersonal skills, good listening skills, flexible, accepting the share of accountability, etc
Trainer’s Skills
The skills that need to be present in a trainer are:
  • Training Design
  • Evaluating the training program
  • Training need analysis
  • Worksheet design
  • Exercises design
Role of Trainer
Facilitation Of Training
Facilitation of Training Transfer through Focus on Trainee and Organization Intervention:

Focus on Trainee
Focus on Organization Intervention

Focus on Trainee

Training is successful not only with good
training design and training objectives but also with the readiness and willingness of the trainees. For the training to be successful, three things are required

1. Motivation
2. Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs)
3. Expectations towards Training

Expected Performance is directly proportional to the multiplication of motivation, required KSAs, and expectations towards training i.e. 

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