Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HR Info: Training and Development (4 of 4)

Motivation – If the trainee is not motivated to learn, no learning is likely to occur no matter how good the training methods are, or how talented the trainees are. Therefore, it is important to intervene before training and provide them the information about the learning outcome that they can expect and how the learning outcome will help in achieving the objectives. This increases the motivation to learn and to be successful in training.
Expectations – Positive expectations matter a lot in a training program. If the trainee perceives the training as waste of time, and waste of resources, no learning is likely to occur. No learning is possible with negative perception. On the other hand, if the trainee believes and expects that the training would help him to improve upon his professional skills and would further help him in achieving his personal goals, the probability of training to meet the objective increases.

Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs) – It is important that the selected trainees should have the right KSAs for the training because even if the methods and contents of the training is good but the candidates do not have the right KSAs, the training program will fail. Also the training methods would not be effective if the candidates are lacking the desired skills. Therefore, proper selection technique is must that would ensure that hired have the requisite KSAs to be successful in training.
Facilitation of Training Through Organization Intervention
Failure of training is not always because of lack of KSAs but sometimes it is because of the organizational forces also. These forces also hold back the transfer of training, and learning. Therefore, it is important to keep in check those forces. For the successful transfer of training, it is necessary to have supervisor support, trainer support, peer support, reward system, climate and culture.

PEERS SUPPORT – Peer support can also help in transfer of training, for example, if the trainee is the only one who is receiving training in the department then probably the experienced peers might put pressure on trainee to forget the training and work. This situation also hampers in transfer of training. However, this situation can be avoided by involving the entire department in training, also by encouraging the learning culture in the organization.
can affect their employees learning in number of ways, for example, if the trainee is motivated to learn and receives full support from their supervisor, then this support in turn encourages the employee to learn as much as possible. Also, supervisor can also reduce the negative factors of training, such as, the work that piles up during training that makes the employee uncomfortable and employees’ negative perception about the training program.
TRAINER SUPPORT – can also have a positive impact on the transfer of training. Gone are the days, when the trainers’ role used to get over once the training program is done. Trainers’ role is now extended to the work place also. Besides training, trainer’s role is to keep a check on how trainees are performing and help them and discuss with them if they encounter any problem in the workplace.
CLIMATE – Apart from supervisor support, peers support, trainer support, Climate factor also comprises of company polices, attitude of upper management towards employee, towards training. If these factors are positive then the climate will also support the transfer of training. It is the organizations foremost duty to make the employees realize through these factors that adequate amount of time and resources are spent on them for their professional and personal development.  
CULTURE – also have the impact over the transfer of training. If the culture of the organization provides enough opportunities to its employees to implement what they have learnt in the workplace and provide them variety of others factors such as, social support, challenging jobs, etc then the likelihood of the transfer of training increases.
REWARD SYSTEMS – If the learning outcome that helps in achieving the objectives is linked to reward system then the probability of the success of training would increase.
Training Options

There 4 training options that an organization can consider before providing training to their employees:  
Outsourcing: Outsourcing exempts the organizations to concentrate on its core business. Also, with the availability of sufficient amount of know-how, proficiency in the market it does not make business sense for organizations to have a separate training division. One approach is to tie up with some reputed training or educational institutes and send employees for training. This way, company gets to avail the required expertise and high-quality training programs and saves money on content development, recruiting, and maintaining training team. The only issue in outsourcing training is that the quality of training has to be frequently tracked so as to ensure the trainer’s performance and training effectiveness.
Internal Training: A lot of questions has been raised whether to go in for training outsourcing or setting up an internal division for training. Some companies recruit external trainers and call them to the company site make them use their tools to train employees. This alternative is generally for the new joinees who are given the fundamental or job-related training in-house and then send outside for higher training.

Product-related Training: The dealer who delivers the apparatus or installs the system offers the initial training. The user may negotiate with the dealer for a regular upgradation of product-related know-how or expertise in place of a one-time training. The apparatus dealer may choose to send their
trainers or recruit outside trainers.
Independent Professionals: Considering the emerging threats and opportunities, the professionals need to keep themselves updated of the developments. In this option, the responsibility of training is entirely on the individual and a better-trained professional will always have better market worth than others.
Use of SAP:

SAP in India is becoming increasingly popular these days as:
·  SAP allows customizing the software to specific needs of the company
·  SAP is user-friendly, familiar looking, and has an experience of windows based applications
·  SAP can be used worldwide
·  It is easy to process user transactions with SAP
·  SAP increases liability
·  SAP improves the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees
·  SAP improves upon the business process efficiencies

·  SAP gives reliable, accurate, and instant information
·  Old software systems do not meet the need of companies
·  SAP is a affordable and no special software is required to access
·  SAP supports all the fields, such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Logistics, Operations, etc.
Importance of SAP is increasing in India as it helps in delivering solutions to number of flourishing companies. Other than that-
Growing Importance- India is a growing economy and has the world’s youngest population. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of India is around 7%, and is expected to reach 10%. More than 65,000 of Americans live in India and are attracted by the technological and educational development
Mismatch in student mobility- More than 70,000 Indian students are living in the US, while only 10,000 U.S. students are living in India.
Information not available easily- Students of Developed nation require information on India through temporary credit based tutorials
Growing concept of studying abroad- More than 70,000 Indian students are living in the US, while only 10,000 U.S. students are living in India.

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